The Best Piece Of Advice I Was Given About Writing Code
When I was 27 years old and working at my first tech job, a mentor sat me down to teach me the most important lesson in software.
When I was 27 years old and working at my first tech job, a mentor sat me down to teach me the most important lesson in software.
A lot of focus is placed on coding and technical skills in technology, especially with how fast everything changes. However, the ability to write well is an equally critical skill for tech professionals.
Hey there! I'm David Childs, and I'm excited to share a bit about myself with you. Grab a seat, and let's dive into my world of tech, problem-solving, and writing!
I'm a Consulting Systems Engineer, which is a fancy way of saying I'm the go-to person for managing computer systems and data centers in big companies. Think of me as a behind-the-scenes superhero for technology!